
      All announcements

      Meeting With Students
      26 February 13:53
      Algebra Seminar
      10 October 19:30

      Algebra Seminar

      A series of algebra seminars begins at MRL! In the first week, Olcay Coşkun, the Laboratory Director, will a talk titled "Obstructions for Gluing Biset Functions I". In this joint work with Ergun Yalçın from Bilkent University, they introduced a general technique for solving gluing problems in the representation theory of finite groups. In this first part of the series of talks, Coşkun introduced the basic notations and setup for discussing this problem in the language of homological algebra. In the coming weeks, the general theory for solving gluing problems will also be introduced and the gluing problem for endo-permutation modules will be discussed.

      Saytın xəritəsi Əlaqə
      Baku State University, main building, 3rd floor, Digital State Research Laboratory, Baku city, academician Zahid Khalilov street, 33, AZ 1148
      Appeal to the Rector

      Əziz tələbələr, Rektora sualınız, təklifiniz yaxud şikayətiniz varsa, müraciət edə bilərsiniz.

      Appeal to the Rector