Research Outputs

The research output from MRL reflects the academic excellence of its faculty. This page is intended to show the wide range of contributions in many mathematical disciplines, ranging from the very theoretical to applied. Ranging from landmark publications to collaborative projects. Explore the detailed outcomes of our research activities and find out about the impact of our work in the mathematical community and beyond.


  • Ibrahim Kaan Aslan, Olcay Coskun"$p$-biset functor of the kernel of the monomial linearization map" (preprint)
  • Robert Boltje, Olcay Coskun, Cisil Karaguzel, "The functor of trivial sourse modules" (preprint)
  • Bittu Chahal, Ertan Elma, Nicolo Fellini, Akshaa Vatwani, Do Nhat Tan Vo, ''On the second Hardy-Littlewood conjecture'' (preprint)
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Baku State University, main building, 3rd floor, Digital State Research Laboratory, Baku city, academician Zahid Khalilov street, 33, AZ 1148
Appeal to the Rector

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Appeal to the Rector