Appeal to the Rector

Dear Students, if you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints for the Rector, you are welcome to submit your request. Please ensure that all required fields in the request form are fully completed, and your texts are clearly articulated.

Full name, faculty, email, phone number, subject of the request.

Information for prospective students

 Information for Azerbaijani Citizens

Information for International Students


Baku State University (BSU) offers undergraduate programs across 16 faculties with 83 specializations, training highly qualified professionals in education, engineering, and science, who are sought after in both national and international job markets. The education is provided according to the European Credit Transfer System in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English. Currently, the university enrolls approximately 24,000 students.

Why should prospective students choose BSU?

  1. It is the oldest, most prestigious, and largest university in Azerbaijan.
  2. It consistently ranks among the top universities in Azerbaijan in global and European rankings, improving its position year by year.
  3. The education quality is high, and the state trusts the standards of our education.
  4. There are opportunities for tuition-free education, with 61% of our students studying under a state-funded program.
  5. Our university comprises highly qualified professionals who are also active in research.
  6. We provide individualized attention to each student, believing that everyone has unique talents.
  7. Our graduates are in demand in the job market.
  8. There are opportunities to participate in dual degree programs in collaboration with leading international universities, allowing graduates to earn diplomas from both BSU and the partner university.
  9. Our graduates live and work in many countries around the world.
  10. Our education system is practice-oriented, enabling graduates to start working immediately without the need for long internships.
  11. BSU offers SABAH groups, where students receive SABAH scholarships and enjoy benefits such as dormitory accommodations for students from the regions and those with low social security.
  12. At our training and practice base in the village of Nyugadi in the Gusar district, students can gain valuable practical experience and enjoy a recreation.
  13. Our library is one of the richest university libraries in Azerbaijan, engaging in information exchange with approximately 50 universities from over 20 countries.
  14. The university dormitory is so well-equipped that it is referred to as the "Student’s House."
  15. A student cafeteria is available on campus.
  16. Our psychological service is dedicated to ensuring the mental well-being of students, offering support and strengthening their mental health.
  17. Our culture and creativity center includes instrumental and dance ensembles, a choir, and a drama club, where talented students can participate.
  18. The sports and wellness center fosters high moral, willpower, and physical qualities in students, instills national moral values, and prepares them for work and the defense of the homeland, shaping them as individuals.
  19. Students can engage in volunteer activities in their spare time. Volunteering at BSU provides the opportunity for future employment at the university. Many students who volunteered in university public affairs were later employed at BSU, building their careers from student life to professional roles.

You are welcome to visit Baku State University, explore its infrastructure, and obtain additional information from our faculty and students.


Dear students, welcome to Baku State University!

The Department for International Students is here to support you from the moment you apply to the university. We strive to make your stay in Azerbaijan and our beautiful city of Baku comfortable, and your academic experience at our university as successful as possible. Our staff will assist you with academic matters and help you discover the rich culture of Azerbaijan, with its long and fascinating history.

BSU has been training international specialists since 1968, and for over half a century, we have successfully prepared skilled professionals for developing countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Today, BSU alumni hold prominent positions in their home countries and lead top organizations. Currently, more than 400 international students from 34 countries are studying at Baku State University.


SIACAS, the Centralized Admission Service "Study in Azerbaijan," is an online platform available on the center’s website that manages the admission process for international students to secondary and higher education institutions in Azerbaijan (universities, academies, colleges, conservatories, etc.). Anyone interested in studying in Azerbaijan can register through SIACAS, select the desired institution and specialty, and submit an application for free. The submitted application is reviewed by the chosen institution. Once a preliminary decision is made, a notification appears in the applicant's personal account. Depending on the institution's response, the applicant may need to provide additional documents, participate in an online or offline interview, and/or make a payment. Once all issues are resolved between the applicant and the institution, the admission process is complete, and the future student can proceed with accommodation, visa, travel, and other related arrangements.

How to apply through SIACAS video ınstructions ınformation and assistance with SIACAS operations... Email: ...



BSU began its first academic year with two faculties-History and Philology, and Medicine-and 1,094 students. Today, Baku State University has 16 faculties, offering 74 undergraduate and 227 graduate specializations.



Baku offers extensive accommodation options for international students. Relevant information can be found on social networks and electronic search platforms. The Department for International Students can also assist with housing arrangements for international students.

Video about the "Student’s House."

Public Transport

The main types of public transport in Baku are affordable buses, the metro, and taxis. For longer trips, car rental services are available through e-search.

"BakıKART" is a cashless payment system for public transport that meets international standards. Since August 8, 2015, fare payments in the Baku Metro and on city bus routes have been made using "BakıKART." More detailed information can be found on the website.


Baku State University is located near the "Elmlar Akademiyasi" metro station. The fare is 30 qepiks regardless of the distance. The metro operates from 06:00 to 24:00. Additional and detailed information can be found on the website.


The fare on city buses is also 30 qepiks. Many of Baku’s routes are detailed on the website. Schedule information can also be obtained through the GoogleMaps app.


Various taxi companies operate in Baku.

For more detailed information:

Address: Baku, Academician Zahid Khalilov Street, 33, AZ 1148


 Answers to frequently asked questions from international students and stateless persons about admission to Baku State University:

How is the admission of international students to BSU conducted?

The admission of international students is regulated by the Rules approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 125 of May 1, 2015 "On the procedure for education of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan abroad, foreigners, and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan." In line with Clause 3.5 of the Resolution, the educational institution is responsible for assessing the language skills and academic readiness of foreign students. If they meet the required standards, the university will proceed with their admission.

Can a foreigner holding a permanent residence permit (PRP) in Azerbaijan enroll in a university as a foreign student without taking the State Examination Center (SEC) exams?

Under Clause 1.2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 125, dated May 1, 2015, these regulations do not apply to foreigners who are permanent residents of Azerbaijan. Such individuals are entitled to pursue education under the same conditions as Azerbaijani citizens.

Is it possible for dual citizens to be admitted as foreign students?

According to Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan," if an individual holds dual citizenship (Azerbaijani citizenship and that of another country), their foreign citizenship is not recognized, except in cases outlined by international treaties or as determined under Clause 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan. These individuals must apply to universities by taking the exams administered by the State Examination Center under the same conditions as other Azerbaijani citizens.

Can individuals with refugee status be admitted as foreign students?

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, and those with officially recognized refugee status can be admitted as foreign students, provided they do not hold dual citizenship.

What documents are required for university admission?

-An application addressed to the university administration specifying the chosen major, language of instruction, and mode of study (which can be submitted electronically);

-A notarized copy of the educational certificate(s) and its Azerbaijani translation, listing completed courses and grades from the previous level, and legalized (or apostilled) as required;

-A health certificate, including proof of no HIV, hepatitis B, or C infections;

-A valid border crossing document;

-Six photos of 3x4 cm size;

-Proof of language proficiency, if applicable;

-Copies of awards, certificates, diplomas, or other relevant documents, if available.

Is it necessary to assess the language proficiency of an applicant with IELTS or TOEFL results?

Foreign applicants planning to study in programs conducted in English are exempt from language proficiency tests if they have achieved the required scores on international English language exams (for undergraduate programs – IELTS 5.0, TOEFL 40; for higher levels of study – IELTS 5.5, TOEFL 50).

Are foreign students exempt from language proficiency tests if they continue with the same language of instruction?

Yes, the following two groups of foreign students are exempt:

  1. Those who have previously studied at an Azerbaijani educational institution and are applying for the next level of education;
  2. Graduates from educational institutions in their home country that meet the legal requirements.

Is it necessary to apostille the high school diploma or the university diploma obtained in another country for a foreign student applying for education?

The previous educational document must be legalized according to the prescribed procedure.

How should students applying during the pandemic submit their original documents?

Applications and document evaluations are processed online. Upon arriving at the university, students must submit their documents as required by law.

Can a foreign citizen of Azerbaijani descent who completed school in Azerbaijan but failed the SEC exams be admitted as a foreign student?

University admission as a foreign student is determined by citizenship, not ethnicity or the location of school completion. If the individual does not hold dual citizenship or Azerbaijani citizenship, they can be admitted as a foreign student. Foreign citizens wishing to take the SEC exams must have a temporary or permanent residence permit. A PRP holder who participates in SEC exams cannot be admitted as a foreign student and is entitled to the same educational rights as Azerbaijani citizens.

Can a student enrolled in preparatory courses at a university repeat those courses?

Under Clause 3.5 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 125, dated May 1, 2015, "On the Rules for Education of Azerbaijani Citizens Abroad, Foreigners and Stateless Persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan," the educational institution assesses the language proficiency and academic readiness of foreign students and if they meet the 4 requirements set by the educational institution, their admission to the educational institution is formalized. If their language or subject knowledge is deemed insufficient, the university may consider allowing them to repeat the preparatory courses.

What type of visa is required for a student entering Azerbaijan to study at AEI (Azerbaijan Educational Institutions)?

According to Article 27.1 of the Migration Code of Azerbaijan, a visa for scientific or educational purposes is issued to foreigners and stateless individuals who are coming to Azerbaijan for academic activities, attending conferences, seminars, and other related events, or enrolling in educational institutions for study or professional development. This visa is granted upon a request from government agencies, research institutions, or registered educational institutions within Azerbaijan.

How does the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan assist in obtaining a temporary residence permit (TRP)?

For foreign students whose primary purpose for entering Azerbaijan is education, the Ministry of Science and Education (MSE) submits a request to the State Migration Service (SMS) to issue a temporary residence permit. This request is made on behalf of the student by the AEI and includes the student’s full name (as it appears in the passport), nationality, passport number, and copies of the student’s passport and current TRP. At the start of the academic year, the MSE issues a circular to AEI concerning this matter.

What scholarship programs are available?

Scholarships and financial aid opportunities are available from the Azerbaijani government and some local universities. The State Educational Grant Program of Azerbaijan is open to citizens of countries that are members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Non-Aligned Movement. Detailed information is available on the program’s website.

How can additional questions be addressed?

For any further inquiries, you can reach out via the following email addresses: [email addresses].


Foreign nationals have five different avenues to pursue studies at Baku State University:

By entering into a contract with Baku State University.

Through exams administered by the State Examination Center.

Under intergovernmental scholarship programs.

Via transfer from other higher educational institutions.

Through exchange programs.



Application start date:

Application end date:

Required documents for admission:

  1. An application addressed to the university’s head, specifying the chosen specialty, language of study, and form of study (electronic submission is also possible).
  2. A notarized copy of the educational document(s) from the previous level of education, listing completed courses and grades, legalized (or with an apostille) and translated into Azerbaijani.
  3. A health certificate confirming the absence of HIV and hepatitis B and C.
  4. A valid travel document.
  5. Six recent passport-sized photographs.
  6. A passport with a minimum validity of 1 year and 6 months from the application date.
  7. A language proficiency certificate (if available).
  8. Copies of diplomas, certificates, awards, and similar documents (if available).


  1. Foreign nationals holding a residence permit (TRP series) issued by Azerbaijan’s State Migration Service can only be admitted to Baku State University through entrance exams conducted by the State Examination Commission of Azerbaijan.
  2. Individuals with dual citizenship, including Azerbaijani citizenship, cannot apply to Baku State University as foreign nationals and must undergo the standard entrance exams conducted by the State Examination Commission of Azerbaijan.
  3. Foreign nationals enrolled in full-time programs in Azerbaijan must provide documentation confirming their right to reside in Azerbaijan within 90 days of enrollment.


Under intergovernmental agreements, Azerbaijani citizens can study abroad based on mutual quotas, with scholarship programs currently active in countries like China, Latvia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russia, and Tajikistan. The scope of these partnerships is expanding, and relevant announcements are updated annually.

This process is governed by paragraph 2.1.4 of the "Rules for the Education of Azerbaijani Citizens Abroad, Foreigners, and Stateless Persons in Azerbaijan," as per the Cabinet of Ministers’ Resolution dated May 1, 2015, No. 125, and based on the terms of the agreements and allocated quotas. Specific conditions and requirements are provided in the respective program announcements.

For more detailed information:


Exchange programs allow for the mutual exchange of students, faculty, and administrative staff between universities. These programs play a crucial role in facilitating experience sharing and are open to all BSU students. At Baku State University, exchanges are conducted in two main areas:


The Mevlana program, primarily with Turkish universities, allows students to study in Turkey for one semester, and faculty to participate in the educational process for 1-2 weeks.

The Erasmus+ KA107 program, funded by the European Union, involves exchanges with universities in Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and other European countries. BSU also participates in the Orhun exchange program, which fosters cooperation in higher education among member states of the Organization of Turkic States.


The Erasmus+ KA107 program provides opportunities for hundreds of students to study at various European universities each year, and for faculty members to engage in the educational process and exchange experiences.

Erasmus+ program, supported by the European Union, is designed to assist higher education institutions, their faculty, and students by offering study or internship opportunities at partner universities for 3-12 months.

Since its implementation at BSU in 2015, the Erasmus+ KA107 program has supported various projects, with over 130 BSU staff and students participating in exchanges from 2017 to 2021. Registration for the program is handled by the university, ensuring the student’s area of study aligns with their specialty and curriculum, contributing to their personal development.

The registration process for continuing education in higher education institutions under the Erasmus+ KA 107 program considers the alignment of the student's chosen field of study with their specialty. The educational area a student wishes to pursue must be relevant to their major and curriculum at their home university and should also support their personal growth.

ERASMUS+ KA107 Exchange Program

For more than 30 years, the European Union has been funding the Erasmus+ program, which has allowed over 4 million students from Europe to undertake part of their studies at higher education institutions in other European countries. Currently, Erasmus+ extends these opportunities to students and staff from other regions as well. International experience is crucial for universities, making exchange programs valuable for faculty, students, and administrative personnel, enabling them to study at foreign universities and engage with the advancements of leading European institutions. The application of this experience at Baku State University (BSU) and the reciprocal exchange of knowledge are highly significant. Since 2011, BSU has been involved in Erasmus Mundus projects, and from 2015 onwards, it has partnered with various universities for Erasmus KA 107 student-teacher exchange initiatives. Students who qualify to study at European universities through the Erasmus program receive a monthly scholarship throughout their studies, with travel expenses also covered by the program. This international exchange initiative enables students to study abroad, acquire new experiences, enhance their educational quality, and unlock new career opportunities. Through the Erasmus KA 107 exchange program, students from Baku State University can further their studies at universities in Poland, Turkey, Spain, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Romania, and Lithuania. Each year, many students apply for this program.

Exchange under the Erasmus KA 107 Program:

Student exchange for one semester at partner universities abroad.

Exchange of academic and administrative staff between collaborating universities for educational activities lasting one week.

Eligibility requirements for BSU staff and students:

For students:

A minimum average success score above 75.

Students in their 2nd or 3rd year of undergraduate studies or in the 1st year of master's studies.

Language proficiency certificate (IELTS or TOEFL preferred).


Academic transcript.

Motivation letter.

For Staff:


Curriculum vitae.

Motivation letter.

List of scientific publications.

Exchange document

Documents required: (links provided for download).

Note: Students enrolled in preparatory courses, first-year students, and those in their final year are not eligible for this program.

For more detailed information:

Review the contracts signed under the Erasmus KA 107 teacher-student exchange program.

Universities, Countries, Specialties:

Participating Universities:


Cumhuriyet University, Turkey: History, Journalism, Mathematics, Psychology, Sociology.

Rzeszow University, Poland: History, Economics, Philology, Law.

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania: Biology, Chemistry, Physics.

University of Cádiz, Spain: All disciplines.

Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania.

Tomar Polytechnic Institute, Portugal.

West University of Timișoara, Romania.

Eskişehir Technical University, Turkey: Chemistry, Physics.

Charles University, Czech Republic: Biology.

Adana Alparslan Türkeş University, Turkey.

Hacettepe University, Turkey.

Çukurova University.

Bayburt University.

Aksaray University.

Middle East Technical University.

Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University.

Fırat University.

Istanbul Technical University.

Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania.

For additional inquiries, you can reach out via email:

E-mail: [email protected]

Mevlana Exchange Program

The international Mevlana teacher-student exchange program offers students the opportunity to study at various universities in Turkey while providing teachers the chance to engage in the educational process.


The Mevlana international teacher-student exchange program offers students the chance to study at various universities in Turkey, while also allowing teachers to engage in the educational process. This program facilitates the exchange of teachers and students between Turkish universities and institutions worldwide. Students from Baku State University (BSU) have the opportunity to study at multiple Turkish universities, including those located in Istanbul, Ankara, Kafkas, Gümüşhane, Pamukkale, Çankırı, Atatürk, Uludağ, Hacettepe, Çanakkale, Trakya, and Kastamonu. Participants in the Mevlana program receive a monthly scholarship during their studies, and travel expenses are also covered. This exchange program enables students to gain international educational experience, acquire new skills, improve their education quality, and explore new career opportunities. From 2017 to 2021, 13 staff members and students from BSU have taught and studied at various Turkish universities under this program.

Details of the Mevlana Exchange:

Student exchange for one semester at partner universities abroad.

Exchange of academic and administrative staff between cooperating universities for one week.

Requirements for BSU Staff and Students in Academic Exchange Programs:

For Students:

An average success score above 75.

2nd and 3rd-year undergraduate students and 1st-year master's students.

Turkish language certificate.



Motivation letter.

For Staff:


Motivation letter.

List of scientific publications.

Documents Required for Students: (Download Links)

Student declaration.

Student information form.

Student exchange protocol.

Student application form.

Student obligation contract.

Student final report form.

Documents Required for Staff: (Download Links)

Staff information form.

Staff exchange protocol.

Staff obligation contract.

Staff final report form.

For more detailed information:

Refer to the contracts related to the Mevlana teacher-student exchange program.

Participating Universities and their specialties:

  1. Selçuk University: Geology, International Relations, Sociology.
  2. Istanbul University: Journalism, History, Geology, Philology, Geography, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.
  3. Ahi Evran University: All disciplines.
  4. Gümüşhane University: Geology, Mathematics, History, Economics, Social Work.
  5. Pamukkale University: Turkish Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Economics.
  6. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University: Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.
  7. Çankırı University: Psychology, Archaeology, Geography, Philosophy, History, Economics, Political Science, International Relations.
  8. Atatürk University: Philology, International Relations, History, Psychology.
  9. Uludağ University: International Relations, History, Archaeology, Philology.
  10. Hacettepe University: History, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Social Sciences, Psychology, Pedagogy, Physics, Law.
  11. Trakya University: Philology, Mathematics, Archaeology, International Relations.
  12. Çukurova University: Psychology, Philology, Law, Physics, Chemistry.
  13. Ankara University: Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Political Science, Economics, International Relations, Journalism.
  14. Kastamonu University: Geography, Philology, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Economics, International Relations.
  15. Çanakkale University: Tourism and Hospitality, Geography, Biology.
  16. Uşak University: Mathematics, Biology, Engineering, History, Geography, Journalism, Turkish Language and Literature, Sociology, Psychology, Economics.
  17. Kafkas University: Philology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, History, Archaeology.

For further details, you can reach out via email.

Orhun Exchange Program

The Orhun exchange program promotes student and faculty exchanges among universities that are members of the Turkic Council and the Union of Turkish Universities.


The Orhun exchange program aims to enhance collaboration in higher education among member states of the Turkic Council, facilitating exchanges among universities within the Union of Turkish Universities. The program establishes the principles and procedures for student and faculty exchanges between these institutions.

Exchange Opportunities under the Orhun Program:

Student exchange for studying at partner universities abroad for one semester.

Exchange of academic and administrative staff for one or two weeks to conduct educational activities.

Requirements for BSU Staff and Students in Academic Exchange Programs:

For Students:

An average success score above 75

2nd and 3rd-year undergraduate students and 1st-year master's students

Language certificate (having an IELTS or TOEFL certificate is preferred)



Motivation letter.

For Staff:


Motivation letter

List of scientific publications

Documents required for students: (Download links)

Student information form.

Student exchange form.

Documents Required for Staff: (Download links)

Staff information form.

Staff final report form.

Note: Students enrolled in preparatory courses, first-year students, and final-year students are not eligible for this program.

For more detailed information:

For any additional questions, please reach out via the following email.

Address: Baku, Academician Zahid Khalilov Street, 33, AZ 1148



The State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established by a Presidential Decree on April 11, 2016. This center is a public legal entity responsible for selecting personnel for public service and admitting students to higher and secondary vocational education institutions, regardless of their organizational-legal form or ownership.

The Center oversees centralized admissions for final evaluations (attestations) in general education, as well as for undergraduate and master's programs in higher education institutions (including basic education in medical fields and residency), and for master's programs at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The Center also plays a role in shaping state policy for public service and conducts test examinations for admission and ongoing service in public positions.

For more detailed information:

See details regarding Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate programs.



The process for transferring students from higher education institutions both domestically and internationally, as well as switching majors and forms of study, including transfers from secondary specialized institutions and master's programs (accessible through the portal, was initiated in 2016 to streamline the student transfer process. Transferring students from one higher education institution to another or changing their major requires approval from the Ministry of Science and Education during winter and summer breaks. For more detailed information, please refer to the regulations regarding transfers, expulsions, reinstatements, and academic leave for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as those pursuing primary medical education.


VISA: Foreign nationals who have successfully completed an online interview and been selected by the Admissions Committee must enter the Republic of Azerbaijan on a student visa. They can obtain this visa through the "ASAN Viza" system.

The State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of Azerbaijan manages the issuance of electronic visas via the "ASAN Viza" system.

These visas are processed within 3 working days and allow a stay of up to 30 days in the country, with a state fee of 20 US dollars.

 The "ASAN Viza" system also offers expedited visa processing within 3 hours, regardless of weekends or holidays. More information can be found at

 As of May 15, 2018, the issuance of visas to foreign citizens and stateless individuals at Azerbaijan's international airports has been conducted electronically through the "ASAN Viza" system, in accordance with Azerbaijan’s laws, presidential decrees, and international agreements.

An electronic visa is available only for citizens of specific countries listed in the relevant documentation.

REGISTRATION: Foreign nationals and stateless individuals living in Azerbaijan must present the following documents to apply for or extend a temporary residence permit:

  • A completed application form approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan;
  • A copy of their passport or other travel document (which must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the expiration date of the temporary residence permit);
  • A notarized copy of their birth certificate or an equivalent document (for individuals under 18 without a passport);
  • A notarized document confirming the grounds for the temporary residence permit (the list is available upon request);
  • Notarized consent from a family member or close relative as stipulated in Articles 45.1.1 (regarding close family relations with an Azerbaijani citizen) and 45.1.5 (regarding family members of foreigners or stateless persons living in Azerbaijan) of the Migration Code;
  • A certificate indicating that the individual is not a carrier of any infectious diseases listed by the relevant authorities (including HIV, hepatitis B, and C);
  • A copy of the document granting the right to temporary stay or residence in Azerbaijan;
  • A formal request from the inviting organization for highly skilled specialists in fields such as economics, industry, military, science, culture, sports, etc.;
  • Two photographs of 5x4.5 cm size;
  • A document for the residence where the individual will be registered (such as an extract from the state real estate registry, ownership certificate, lease agreement, or another legally recognized document);
  • A statement from the person providing housing to the foreigner or stateless person (unless the housing belongs to the individual);
  • A copy of the identity document of the person providing accommodation (unless the housing is owned by the foreigner or stateless person);
  • Proof of payment of the state fee.
  • Note: Proof of payment is provided upon issuance of a temporary residence permit to foreigners and stateless individuals in Azerbaijan. If the state fee is not paid within 30 days following the last day outlined in Article 47.5 (which pertains to the consideration of applications for temporary residence permits based on the relevant authority’s opinion and the state fee payment), the appropriate authority will cancel the temporary residence permit.




Studying at a university is a very exciting process that takes a significant part of a student’s time and attention. Moreover, education shapes the path for later life, professional activity, and influences the quality of life in the long run. There are wonderful teachers at Baku State University (BSU) — there can be no doubt about their professionalism. It is also worth noting that the level of knowledge is quite high, ensuring demand for our graduates in the job market.

The educational process at the university differs significantly from the organization of the educational process in high school. One of the main tasks of the university is to teach students to learn and develop independently throughout their lives. During their studies, only the foundations of knowledge in the chosen field are laid. The main goal during the university education period is to master methods of independent intellectual work, consciously develop creative abilities, and acquire skills in creative activity. For this, strict adherence to discipline in learning and behavior is necessary.

You are a student of a new era — there are no longer borders in the educational sphere, the education system of Azerbaijan has integrated into the European education system and has transitioned to a modular system. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is a general European system designed to account for the study load of students in mastering an educational program or course. In ECTS, the academic year generally consists of 60 credits. Credits are assigned based on grades from A to E, with F considered unsatisfactory. Credits are distributed among all theoretical and practical components of the program (subjects, modules, internships, course and diploma works, etc.).

Each student will have an individual educational plan based on personal choice, and your tutor will assist in its preparation.

You should know the basic concepts important for student life. In lectures, practical (seminar) classes, and laboratory work, students acquire essential information on the subjects studied and strengthen their knowledge and skills. In the university, the main form of classes is lectures. During lectures, teachers convey the core material of the subject to students. Attentively listening to lectures and taking notes requires intensive mental effort from the student. When working on a lecture outline, it is necessary to use not only the textbook but also additional literature recommended by the teacher.

To reinforce and deepen the theoretical knowledge obtained in lectures and during independent work, seminar classes are held. Seminars check the level of understanding and assimilation of the educational material by students in the subjects and thoroughly analyze the most complex theoretical issues. Laboratory classes are one of the forms of practical classes that combine theory and practice. Laboratory work is based on the main principles of the theoretical course and is carried out in laboratories equipped with the appropriate equipment.

Independent work includes studying lecture material, preparing for classes, writing essays and reports, preparing for colloquiums and exams, writing course works (projects), and participating in scientific research. The educational process covers the following methods of knowledge assessment: control work, written test, colloquium, exam (written or oral). A colloquium is a form of current assessment conducted to check and evaluate students' knowledge, a mini-exam that takes place during the semester. The scores collected in the colloquium influence the final grade. An exam is the main form of assessment and knowledge verification for students at the end of the semester. Each student must prepare thoroughly for the session and successfully pass all exams.

During their studies at the university, students must undergo various types of internships. Internship is an integral part of training modern specialists. Its task is to strengthen the theoretical knowledge acquired during studies at the university and develop the necessary skills for practical work in their specialty. In higher courses, students undergo internships at institutions, departments, or organizations relevant to their chosen specialty.

During your studies at the university, you will have the opportunity to engage in scientific work. By conducting scientific research, you will deepen your understanding of theoretical material, develop creative search skills, gain experience in theoretical and practical research, and generally show higher results during the session.

How can you make student life within the walls of the university interesting and beneficial?

At the university, various events are always held for students (sports competitions, student scientific conferences, meetings with prominent representatives of the scientific community, creative competitions, flash mobs, quests, and clubs operate). Thus, if you actively participate in at least a small number of such events, you won’t have time to get bored.


As a higher educational institution, BSU covers all types of modern education.

Since the foundation of the university, a human resources department has been operating within it. The human resources department has successfully fulfilled its tasks, properly organizing its activities as the university developed and staffing increased, establishing proper cooperation with the staff. Over the years, the number of university employees has reached 2730.

Working under conditions that meet modern requirements, they are provided with the latest technologies and all necessary conditions for effective work.

Currently, the university employs 7 full members of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 3 corresponding members, 16 faculties, 119 departments, and 1296 teaching staff.

The human resources department has already been renamed the Department of Human Resources and Law.

The Department of Human Resources and Law has 3 sectors: Human Resources Sector, Law Sector, Career and Alumni Relations Sector. Our department has a total of 23 employees. They deal with the documentation for 2730 employees, including hiring, dismissals, various types of leaves, issuing orders for the confirmation of academic degrees and titles, signing contracts, processing issued orders on the State Social Protection Fund portal and various programs, preparing reports, and ensuring the timely and proper execution of orders and directives from management. They also oversee compliance with labor discipline among university employees and adherence to internal regulations.


The Career and Alumni Relations Sector of Baku State University aims to prepare students and graduates for future professional life, realizing their creative potential, and establishing and maintaining inter-alumni relations in coordination with the university's relevant department. Career specialists work to support students and graduates of the university in their future career development. The activities of the Career and Alumni Relations Sector are carried out in the following areas:

  • Creating a database of students studying at the university, as well as successful graduates, and ensuring the constant updating of this database;
  • Further developing career planning for students and graduates, familiarizing them with the fields of interest;
  • Conducting competitions to identify talented and promising students and support their career development;
  • Conducting research on resources and options that can support students' and graduates' careers;
  • Organizing career development events — job fairs, career exhibitions, career-building workshops, career-focused forums, interview simulations, etc.;
  • Providing students and graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary for employment, as well as directing them to find jobs that match their specialties in the labor market;
  • Analyzing the professional and specialized requirements set by employers for the workforce;
  • Conducting surveys to determine the employment readiness level of students and graduates in accordance with labor market requirements;
  • Proposing changes to curricula to adapt university specialties to labor market demands;
  • Collecting information about vacancies in local and international companies and disseminating this information among students and graduates;
  • Conducting exchanges of experiences to improve career activities;
  • Establishing inter-alumni relations in coordination with relevant departments of the university and organizing virtual networking;
  • Further developing partnerships with graduates, monitoring their career development, and involving them in career-related events;
  • Organizing meetings for successful graduates of the university to share their success stories with students.

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Baku State University, main building, 3rd floor, Digital State Research Laboratory, Baku city, academician Zahid Khalilov street, 33, AZ 1148
Appeal to the Rector

Əziz tələbələr, Rektora sualınız, təklifiniz yaxud şikayətiniz varsa, müraciət edə bilərsiniz.

Appeal to the Rector